
An online backup service needs daily scanning.

Online backup security

More and more companies use an online backup service and no longer store back-ups offline. It is obvious that a locally stored backup is more vulnerable to fire and theft. Data security can be increased by reducing dependence on local backups, but on the other side online backups are stored on the internet and are therefore potential targets for hackers.

Consider the value of the backups that are placed online! Business resources such as know-how, customer information, accounting, product information, sales data and other stock-sensitive information are at stake. In addition to a good solution for online backups, this industry is therefore primarily based on offering and maintaining trust.


In a technologically advanced environment such as an online backup service, the first step is to scan the entire system daily. More and more backup providers are interested in certification according to the PCI DSS standard. This is, after all, one of the most practical security programs for websites. For this purpose Trust Guard provides scans of all IP addresses and URLs. With the help of our scan partners and their database of vulnerabilities and the most advanced scanning technology, together we ensure that your internet environment is secure.

Use your security as a marketing argument

Customers must overcome their fear before they want to store all their sensitive information on an online backup site. That is why it is essential that you show how safe it is. Make sure that you display the Trust Guard seal on your website, so you can attract more customers in less time.

We help these industries with Trust Guard

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