Without social contacts and without communication between people or between companies and consumers, there is no internet. Consider all social websites on the internet, such as dating sites, communities, alumni, communication platforms, forums and knowledge portals.
All the above communities have one common feature: they store personal information about their members. From e-mail addresses and birth dates to areas of interest, photos and (in the case of dating sites) even sexual preferences.
Here the internet is no longer an anonymous, innocent place of residence. Some people are deliberately out to steal personal information so that they can commit identity theft or blackmail people. That is why communities must take their responsibility and protect their services as well as possible.
Communities have to deal with strict regulations in the field of privacy protection. Governments around the world have established laws and regulations to protect the privacy of citizens. In Europe, since 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been in force.
In addition to usernames and passwords, authentication methods and encryption technology, communities must also pay attention to the quality of the programmed software and possible vulnerabilities of their websites. That is why organizations opt for a PCI DSS certification or another security standard and want to earn the Trust Guard seal by having their websites scanned daily. With Trust Guard your community is safe!
Scan your website now for free with no obligation and protect your customers’ privacy data.